Britney Új dalai!
2005.01.04. 19:28
Britney lemeze....
Britney új lemezére ami valószínüleg nyáron jelenik meg, és a címe Original Doll lesz új dalokat vettek fel:Give It Back To Me, Mona Lisa, (Dancing...) While It's Hott, Love Tree, Sudden Death, Make It Happen, and Mellow.
Azt is megtudjuk hogy lehet hogy lesz a Mona Lisa-nak klipje, és még azt is elolvashatjuk, hogy milyen az elképzelés. Azt írták hogy már februárban kijön a Breathe on me után. Illetve az új albumról még utána egy dal áprilisban és egy júniusban kijön még. Nem biztos hogy igaz a hír, mert nem hivatalos oldalról vannak az információk!
Illetve írt Brit egy új levelet nekünk, rajongóknak, amiben olvashattok hogyan telt a karácsonya, milyen lesz az új klip, ki rendezte, és megtudjuk hogy Britney a co-director a klipnek. Olvashattok továbbrá a kutyusáról és Jamie Línn új sorozatáról.
A levelet most csak angolul olvashatjátok, de a weboldalon biztosan fent lesz magyarul is.
Dear Fans, A new year is starting and I have so many resolutions. If only I could convince myself to stick to them!
My Christmas was wonderful and I had such a great break. I think I should rephrase myself from my previous letters when I was talking about taking a "break." What I meant was I am taking a break from being told what to do. True Masters say it’s cool when you look at someone and don’t know whether they are at work or play since it’s all the same to them. The things I’ve been doing for work lately have been so much fun, because it’s not like work to me anymore. I’ve been even more "hands on" in my management and the business side of things and I feel more in control than ever.
I just shot a cute video for "Do Something" that I co-directed. After doing about 20 videos, it gets kind of boring playing the same role, so I chose to work with a young, hungry, director Bille Woodruff. He had no ego whatsoever and the whole process was just so much fun. Oh, his dog was just adorable too.
As much fun as I had, I have to say I was a little disappointed that I still had to convince my record label that making this video was the right thing to do at this time. But, in the end, I think everything came out great. We shot the entire video in a record breaking 5 hours. I even came up with all the choreography and styled the entire shoot myself using Juicy Couture clothing.
Co-directing this video was like an experimental project for me. I feel like being behind the camera is sometimes more satisfying than being in front of it. Working on this video was my first taste into behind the scenes work which I am excited about doing more of in the near future. When a woman directs, I think it just alters the entire feel of the movie, production or play in such a positive way. Speaking of, I’ve been working on writing and hopefully eventually directing a musical which makes fun of the whole Hollywood scene, which is appropriately titled "Hollywood".
On a different note, I have a new dog named Lucky and I just bought her a new dresser for her room. Yes, she has a room, which she shares with Bit Bit. For Christmas, they got a baby chandelier to go in it. It’s the cutest thing in the world!
I have to go now because my other dog, Lacy, has been sick for a little while and I need to go give her medicine.
Happy New Year! Love, Brit
PS Please remember to watch Jamie Lynn’s new show, Zoey 101, which debuts on Nickelodeon this month!